Articles by "Computer Tricks"
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A page about Blogging Tricks and Computer, Android, Hacking, and Windows Tricks.
Facebook Pages for Desktop has been redesigned.

Facebook will begin rolling out a new feature for Pages on desktop to make it easier for people to get the information they want. The new design with a single tile will display on the timeline posts of the Page on the right-side column.

The new design goes for a clutter-free look for Pages. According to Facebook, “this one-column display means that all of your posts will appear consistently on your Page and in News Feed.”

The left-side column of the Page timeline will feature information about the business, including a map, hours of business, phone number and website URL, as well as photos and videos.

Another new feature that has been added to Pages on the Web version is Pages to Watch. This will be visible to Page Insights tool to all admins. It allows admins to create a list of Pages similar to their own and compare the performance of their Page with that of the businesses they care about.

On the “Overview” tab of Page Insights admins will see some key stats about the Pages they are watching. The “Posts” tab of Page Insights includes a feature to view the past week’s most engaging posts from the Pages they are looking at. This feature should give Page managers a good sense of the what the competition looks like at least on Facebook.

Page managers can also view information about the ads they are running and new likes their your Page, as well unread notifications and messages. They will have to click on any section in the This Week section for more details. The Build Audience menu at the top of the Page offers direct access to the Ads Manager account.
A page about Blogging Tricks and Computer, Android, Hacking, and Windows Tricks.
Earclip-type Wearable PC being shown by Hiroshima University lecturer Kazuhiro Taniguchi (Image Courtesy: AFP)

Looks like we are going to see a lot of wearable devices in the near future. After Google Glass in the past and the onslaught of smartwatches and fitness trackers at the just-concluded Mobile World Congress, it is the turn of a wearable PC that looks like a clap-on earphone.

Researchers at the Hiroshima City University are testing a tiny personal computer that can work on the ear and can be controlled by gestures such as blinking of an eye or clicking of the tongue. Weighing in at 17 grams, the wireless device has Bluetooth support, is equipped with a GPS compass, has gyro-sensor, battery, barometer, speaker and microphone.

Engineer Kazuhiro Taniguchi of the Hiroshima State University told AFP that he expects people to wear this device the same way they wear earrings. This system which developers say should be ready by Christmas 2015 can be connected to devices such as the iPod or other mobile gadgets. It will allow the user to navigate through apps using gestures such as facial expressions such as raised eyebrows, stuck-out tongue, clenching teeth and so on.

The device uses infrared sensors that monitor tiny movements inside the ear, which differ depending on how the eyes and mouth move. As the user does not have to move either hand, its developers say it can serve as ‘a third hand’ for everyone from caregivers to rock-climbers, motorbike riders to astronauts, as well as people with disabilities.

Another version of the same device is being worked upon to be used in geriatric healthcare. It will allow relatives to keep an eye on their elderly family members in Japan. It can be used as a hearing aid or used to monitor the wearer’s health by tracking pulse rate and body temperature. The onboard accelerometer can tell if the user suffers a fall and can automatically pass on this information to relatives or call an ambulance based on the GPS location. Tests are being carried out in Hiroshima, with the aim of commercialising the device from April 2016.
A page about Blogging Tricks and Computer, Android, Hacking, and Windows Tricks.
On Street View
First-time visitors to Indian normally have a day chalked off to see the Taj Mahal and take in the sights around Delhi. But from today, these very people can get a virtual tour of major landmarks in and around the capital, and in other parts of the country, thanks to Google Street View. Google, in association with the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), is releasing the first 360-degree online imagery of 30 iconic Indian heritage sites, including the Taj Mahal, Humayun’s Tomb, Red Fort and Agra Fort, on Google Maps and the Google Cultural Institute.

The panoramic imagery of these 30 sites as part of their joint initiative to help make 100 of India’s premier heritage sites more accessible for everyone and not just for those who are able to make the round trip. “Google is deeply committed to helping preserve and showcase cultural heritage across the world. India is unique in terms of the sheer wealth of heritage and iconic historical monuments, and it has been our privilege to work with the ASI in collecting new 360-degree photos of 30 Indian heritage sites. We hope the imagery will help make India’s heritage and culture more accessible to people at home and abroad,” said Rajan Anandan, Vice President and Managing Director, Google India.

Today, this partnership with Google makes it possible for billions of people across the world to see and explore our magnificent heritage, to take a walk at the Rock Cut Jain Temple, to marvel at the Nagarjuna Konda Buddhist Stupas and to relive history in Fatehpur Sikri. With the release of these new panoramic images, we aim to create a dynamic, immersive online experience by which people within India and around the world can understand and engage more of India’s diverse cultural heritage,” said Union Minister of Culture Chandresh Kumari Katoch.

The images coming online today through Google Maps and the Google Cultural Institute provide a new way for people around the world to view, interact with, and learn about some of the most important heritage monuments in India. We hope this new way of exploring national treasures such as the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort and Qutb Minar will help share more of India’s diverse culture with new audiences, and help preserve this part of India’s identity for generations to come,” said Pravin Srivastava, Director General of the ASI.

Google says it will announce the launch of more Street View imagery for other Indian heritage sites soon.
A page about Blogging Tricks and Computer, Android, Hacking, and Windows Tricks.

The new State of the Internet report for Q3 2013 has been released by Akamai and it makes for very bad reading if you are an Indian. While the global average connection speeds have risen 29 percent year-over-year to 3.6Mbps in Q3 2013, the average connection speed in India is just 1.4 Mbps. That by the way is the lowest average connection speed recorded by Akamai in its survery for the Asia Pacific region. This is despite an 11% quarterly increase in the average connection speed.

The same goes for the average peak connection; India’s 9 Mbps average peak connection speed was the lowest in the region and also saw a 15 percent quarterly decline. Akamai’s July 2013 report had predicted that India’s average connection speed will jump by over 40 percent to 1.8 Mbps in the next 12 months on the back of investments in high-speed fibre network and affordable data plans. But the real number is far lower than that expectation.
India stands last among the listed countries in the Asia Pacific region
Akamai has listed 123 countries/regions that are experiencing an increase in average connection speeds year-over-year. For instance the increase is 0.5 percent in Namibia (to 1.1 Mbps) and a massive 76 percent increase in Nepal (to 3.6 Mbps). Among the nations, there are 18 nations that saw a quarter-over-quarter decline. The losses range from 0.4 percent in Bahrain (to 2.2 Mbps) to a drop of 19 percent in El Salvador (to 1.9 Mbps).
In the third quarter of 2013, we observed that long-term growth in average and average peak connection speeds remained strong, as did growth in global broadband and high broadband adoption rates,” David Belson, the report’s editor, said in a statement. “We believe these trends point to continued improvement in the quality and performance of Internet connectivity in countries around the world.
The report further claims that global broadband adoption (rated at speeds of 4Mbp), increased by 5.8 percent last quarter and global high broadband (rated as 10 Mbps) witnessed 19 percent increase over the previous quarter. According to the survey, the mobile data traffic has increased by 80 percent in the last year. Akamai cites data collected by Ericsson that has disclosed a voluminous mobile data traffic jump by 80 percent year-over-year. In Q3 2013, average connection speeds on mobile network operators were ranging between 0.6 Mbps and went as high as 9.5 Mbps.

A page about Blogging Tricks and Computer, Android, Hacking, and Windows Tricks.

Binary code is the language that computers communicate with and use to process information. Our human ability to communicate with others is done in a number of ways, through letters, numbers, symbols, signs, and sounds. In other words, we use our senses to communicate with others. However, a computer’s ability to communicate information is done in a much different way (through “0s” and “1s”). This method of communication or computer language is what’s called “binary code”. To understand it, it is important to know how it all works.

How binary code works

Binary code works by representing content (letters, symbols, colors) in a form that computers can understand. This is done by breaking the content down into a numeric system of two digits “0” and “1”. To accomplish this, computers use electrical impulses switching OFF and ON to represent these two digit numbers. This can be better understood by understanding how a computer chip works.

A computer chip is made of millions of transistors that act as switches much like a light bulb in your home. If you want light you move the switch to “ON” to allow electricity to flow through the light bulb thus giving you light, but if you switch back to “OFF” the light goes away because the electrical signal is interrupted. The switching behavior from a computer chip is similar in the sense that it can only understand two results, “ON” and “OFF”. These results correspond well with the two digits numeric system of “1” and “0” best described as binary (“1” representing “ON” and “0” representing “OFF”).

Every command that we give to computers is interpreted in binary language (“0s” and “1s”), and everything that computers display back to us is display in a way that we can comprehend. For example the binary numbers for the letters “A”, “B”, and “C” are as follow: 01000001 = A; 01000010 = B; and 01000011 = C.

Here is another example: 01010101 01101110 01100100 01100101 01110010 01110011 01110100 01100001 01101110 01100100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01000010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00100000 01000011 01101111 01100100 01100101.

If you can guess what the above zeros and ones mean, then congratulations! If not, here is the answer: it is this page title – How Binary Code works. Every set of numbers of zeros and ones contain eight characters and each of these sets in the example represent one character (whether a letter or a space).

As you can imagine, we don’t use 0s and 1s in our human language as a method of communication. It would take us forever to express ourselves. Computers on the other hand do this in seconds. The faster the computer hardware is, the faster it can perform this binary way of communication.
A page about Blogging Tricks and Computer, Android, Hacking, and Windows Tricks.

Understanding computers really isn’t a subject to be afraid of at all. In fact computers are easy to learn when you start with a good foundation of the basics. Learning how computers are put together and what happens under the hood is the key to acquiring that foundation.

The next few Basic concepts below are essential for understanding computers. Become familiar with them before moving on.

What is Computer?

A computer is an electronic device with the ability of processing information. It allows you to manipulate, retrieve, store, and/or edit all types of data. For example, you can browse the internet, send emails, create documents and save them as files in your computer. You can also move files to different locations within the operating system or even to external storage devices such as a hard drive, CD/DVD, or USB memory. Computers give you the power to manipulate the information anyway you want it.

All computers consist of two parts – hardware and software.

What is hardware?

Hardware comprises all the physical components of a computer such as the keyboard, mouse, monitor, computer case. The parts inside of the case such as the mother board, video card, sound card, system memory (RAM), power supply, CD player, DVD player, Floppy drive, hard drive, and any other internal peripheral that may go inside the computer case. Also external peripherals like speakers, external hard drive, printers, etc. All of these are examples of hardware.

What is software?

Software is the bridge that connects and communicates with the hardware. It consists of any set of instructions that tells the computer what to do. The mouse pointer for example, the arrow that you see on the screen, moves because of the set of instructions given by the Operating system (the software) to communicate with the mouse (the hardware) when it’s connected to the computer.

We can conclude then that a computer as a whole is the combination of hardware and software capable of processing and manipulating information.

What types of computers are there?

The types of computers are another important concept to learn when understanding computers. There are two main types of personal computers that consumers purchase. Whether they are categorized as Macs or PCs – these two main types are desktops, and laptops. We will study them in more detail later so for now just remember these two types. There is one other type of computer worth mentioning which we will cover as well later and it is the tablet computer. I’m leaving it as a third option separate from the main two to point out that tablet computers were not really popular a few years ago, but they have now gained their popularity with the rest of the computers.

Although we are talking about the different types of personal computers, it is important to note that a personal computer isn’t the only type that exists. They come in many shapes and sizes and they can all achieve specific tasks depending on what they are made for. For example, a calculator which is designed to calculate numbers, a gaming system which is designed namely for playing games, or a teller machine designed to manipulate our money. Although not as complex as personal computers are, these devices are also categorized as computers and they are capable of handling their individual tasks by combining hardware and software together to make them work.

A page about Blogging Tricks and Computer, Android, Hacking, and Windows Tricks.

More than 200 Shortcut keys of Windows 8 operating system are listed below,Be an Windows 8 expert buddy :)

General Key Board Shortcuts
F1 - Display Help
F2 - Rename the selected item
F3 - Search for a file or folder
F4 - Display the address bar list in Windows Explorer
F5 - Refresh the active window
F6 - Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
F10 - Activate the menu bar in the active app
Alt+F4 - Close the active item, or exit the active app
Alt+Esc - Cycle through items in the order in which they were opened
Alt+underlined letter - Perform the command for that letter
Alt+Enter - Display properties for the selected item
Alt+spacebar - Open the shortcut menu for the active window
Alt+left arrow - Back
Alt+right arrow - Forward
Alt+Page Up - Move up one screen
Alt+Page Down - Move down one screen
Alt+Tab - Switch between open apps (except desktop apps)

Ctrl+F4 - Close the active document (in apps that allow you to have multiple documents open simultaneously)

Ctrl+A - Select all items in a document or window
Ctrl+C (or Ctrl+Insert) - Copy the selected item
Ctrl+R (or F5) - Refresh the active window
Ctrl+V (or Shift+Insert) - Paste the selected item
Ctrl+X - Cut the selected item
Ctrl+Z - Undo an action
Ctrl+Y - Redo an action
Ctrl+plus (+) or Ctrl+minus (-) - Zoom in or out of apps pinned to the Start screen
Ctrl+scroll wheel - Zoom in or out of apps pinned to the Start screen
Ctrl+ mouse scroll wheel - Change the size of desktop icons
Ctrl+right arrow - Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word
Ctrl+left arrow - Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word
Ctrl+down arrow - Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph
Ctrl+up arrow - Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph
Ctrl+Alt+Tab - Use the arrow keys to switch between all open apps
Ctrl with an arrow key+spacebar - Select multiple individual items in a window or on the desktop
Ctrl+Shift with an arrow key - Select a block of text
Ctrl+Esc - Open the Start screen
Ctrl+Shift+Esc - Open Task Manager
Ctrl+Shift - Switch the keyboard layout when multiple keyboard layouts are enabled
Shift+F10 - Display the shortcut menu for the selected item

Shift with any arrow key - Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a document

Shift+Delete - Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first
Right arrow - Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu
Left arrow - Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu
Esc - Cancel the current task

Ctrl+plus (+) or Ctrl+minus (-) - Zoom in or out of apps pinned to the Start screen
Ctrl+scroll wheel - Zoom in or out of apps pinned to the Start screen
Windows logo key+C - Open the Charms
Windows logo key+C - Open the commands for the app
Windows logo key+F - Open the Search charm to search files
Windows logo key+H - Open the Share charm
Windows logo key+I - Open the Settings charm
Windows logo key+J - Switch the main app and snapped app
Windows logo key+K - Open the Devices charm
Windows logo key+O - Lock the device orientation
Windows logo key+Q - Open the Search charm to search apps
Windows logo key+V - Cycle through notifications
Windows logo key+Shift+V - Cycle through notifications in reverse order
Windows logo key+W - Open the Search charm to search settings
Windows logo key+, - Temporarily peek at the desktop
Windows logo key+Z - Show the commands available in the app
Windows logo key+spacebar - Switch input language and keyboard layout
Windows logo key+Ctrl+spacebar - Change to a previously selected input
Windows logo key+Tab - Cycle through open apps (except desktop apps)

Windows logo key+Ctrl+Tab - Cycle through open apps (except desktop apps) and snaps them as they are cycled

Windows logo key+Shift+Tab - Cycle through open apps (except desktop apps) in reverse order

Windows logo key+PgUp - Move the Start screen and apps to the monitor on the left (Apps in the desktop won’t change monitors)

Windows logo key+PgDown - Move the Start screen and apps to the monitor on the right (Apps in the desktop won’t change monitors)

Windows logo key+Shift+period (.) - Snaps an app to the left
Windows logo key+period (.) - Snaps an app to the right

Dialog Box Shortcut Keys
F1 - Display Help
F4 - Display the items in the active list
Ctrl+Tab - Move forward through tabs
Ctrl+Shift+Tab - Move back through tabs
Ctrl+N (Number 1-9) - Move to Nth tab
Tab - Move forward through options
Shift+Tab - Move back through options
Alt+underlined letter - Perform the command or select the option for that letter
Enter - Replace clicking the mouse for many selected commands
Spacebar - Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box
Backspace - Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Opendialog box
Arrow keys - Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons

Windows logo Key Shortcut Keys
Windows logo key+F1 - Open Windows Help and Support
Windows logo key - Display or hide the Start menu
Windows logo key+B - Set focus in the notification area
Windows logo key+C - Open the Charms
Windows logo key+C - Open the commands for the app
Windows logo key+D - Display and hides the desktop
Windows logo key+E - Open Computer
Windows logo key+F - Open the Search charm and search file
Windows logo key+G - Cycle through gadgets on the desktop
Windows logo key+H - Open the Share charm
Windows logo key+I - Open the Settings charm
Windows logo key+J - Switch the main app and snapped app
Windows logo key+K - Open the Devices charm
Windows logo key+L - Lock your PC or switch users
Windows logo key+M - Minimize all windows
Windows logo key+O - Lock device orientation
Windows logo key+P - Choose a presentation display mode
Windows logo key+Q - Open the Search charm and search apps
Windows logo key+R - Open the Run dialog box
Windows logo key+T - Cycle through apps on the taskbar
Windows logo key+U - Open Ease of Access Center
Windows logo key+V - Cycle through notifications
Windows logo key+Shift+V - Cycle through notifications in reverse order
Windows logo key+W - Open the Search charm and search settings
Windows logo key+X - Opens the Quick Link menu
Windows logo key+, - Temporarily peek at the desktop
Windows logo key+Z - Show the commands available in the app
Windows logo key+Pause - Display the System Properties dialog box
Windows logo key+Ctrl+F - Search for PCs (if you’re on a network)
Windows logo key+Shift+M - Restore minimized windows on the desktop

Windows logo key+number - Start the desktop app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. If the app is already running, switch to that app.

Windows logo key+Shift+number - Start a new instance of the desktop app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number

Windows logo key+Ctrl+number - Switch to the last active window of the desktop app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number

Windows logo key+Alt+number - Open the Jump List for the desktop app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number

Windows logo key+Ctrl+Shift+number - Open a new instance of the desktop app located at the given position on the taskbar as admin

Windows logo key+Tab - Cycle through open apps (except desktop apps)

Windows logo key+Ctrl+Tab - Cycle through open apps (except desktop apps) and snaps them as they are cycled

Windows logo key+Ctrl+B - Switch to the app that displayed a message in the notification area
Windows logo key+up arrow - Maximize the desktop window
Windows logo key+down arrow - Minimize the desktop window
Windows logo key+left arrow - Maximize the desktop window to the left side of the screen
Windows logo key+right arrow - Maximize the desktop window to the right side of the screen

Windows logo key+Home - Minimize all but the active desktop window (restores all windows on second stroke)

Windows logo key+Shift+up arrow - Stretch the desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen

Windows logo key+Shift+down arrow - Restore/minimize active desktop windows vertically, maintaining width

Windows logo key+Shift+left arrow or right arrow - Move a window in the desktop from one monitor to another

Windows logo key+spacebar - Switch input language and keyboard layout
Windows logo key+Ctrl+spacebar - Change to a previously selected input
Windows logo key+Enter - Open Narrator

Windows logo key+PgUp - Move the Start screen and apps to the monitor on the left (Apps in the desktop won’t change monitors)

Windows logo key+PgDown - Move the Start screen and apps to the monitor on the right (Apps in the desktop won’t change monitors)

Windows logo key+Shift+period (.) - Snaps an app to the left
Windows logo key+period (.) - Snaps an app to the right
Windows logo key+Tab - Cycle through opens apps (except desktop apps)

Windows logo key+Shift+Tab - Cycle through opens apps (except desktop apps) in reverse order

Windows logo key+Ctrl+Tab - Cycle through opens apps (except desktop apps) and snaps them as they are cycled

Windows logo key+/ - Initiate IME reconversion
Windows logo key+Alt+Enter - Opens Windows Media Center
Windows logo key+plus (+) or minus (-) - Zoom in or out (in Magnifier)
Windows logo key+Esc - Exit Magnifier

File Explorer Shortcut Keys
Alt+D - Select the address bar
Ctrl+E - Select the search box
Ctrl+F - Select the search box
Ctrl+N - Open a new window
Ctrl+W - Close the current window
Ctrl+mouse scroll wheel - Change the size and appearance of file and folder icons
Ctrl+Shift+E - Display all folders above the selected folder
Ctrl+Shift+N - Create a new folder
Num Lock+Asterisk (*) - Display all subfolders under the selected folder
Num Lock+plus (+) - Display the contents of the selected folder
Num Lock+minus (-) - Collapse the selected folder
Alt+P - Display the preview pane
Alt+Enter - Open the Properties dialog box for the selected item
Alt+right arrow - View the next folder
Alt+up arrow - View the parent folder
Alt+left arrow - View the previous folder
Backspace - View the previous folder
Right arrow - Display the current selection (if it’s collapsed), or select the first subfolder
Left arrow - Collapse the current selection (if it’s expanded), or select the parent folder
End - Display the bottom of the active window
Home - Display the top of the active window
F11 - Maximize or minimize the active window

Taskbar Shortcut Keys
Shift+click on a taskbar button - Open a app or quickly open another instance of a app
Ctrl+Shift+click on a taskbar button - Open a app as an administrator
Shift+Right-click on a taskbar button - Show the window menu for the app
Shift+Right-click on a grouped taskbar button - Show the window menu for the group
Ctrl+Click on a grouped taskbar button - Cycle through the windows of the group

Ease of Access Shortcut Keys
Right Shift for eight seconds - Turn Filter Keys on and off
Left Alt+Left Shift+PrtScn - Turn High Contrast on or off
Left Alt+Left Shift+Num Lock - Turn Mouse Keys on or off
Shift five times - Turn Sticky Keys on or off
Num Lock for five seconds - Turn Toggle Keys on or off
Windows logo key+U - Open the Ease of Access Center

Magnifier Shortcut Keys
Windows logo key+plus (+) or minus (-) - Zoom in or out
Ctrl+Alt+spacebar - Preview the desktop in full-screen mode
Ctrl+Alt+D - Switch to docked mode
Ctrl+Alt+F - Switch to full-screen mode
Ctrl+Alt+I - Invert colors
Ctrl+Alt+L - Switch to lens mode
Ctrl+Alt+R - Resize the lens
Ctrl+Alt+arrow keys - Pan in the direction of the arrow keys
Windows logo key+Esc - Exit Magnifier

Narrator Shortcut Keys
Space or Enter - Activate current item
Tab and arrow keys - Move around on the screen
Ctrl - Stop reading
Caps Lock+D - Read item
Caps Lock+M - Start reading
Caps Lock+H - Read document
Caps Lock+V - Repeat phrase
Caps Lock+W - Read window
Caps Lock+Page Up/Down - Increase or decrease the volume of the voice
Caps Lock+plus (+) or minus (-) - Increase or decrease the speed of the voice
Caps Lock+spacebar - Do default action
Caps Lock+left or right arrows - Move to previous/next item
Caps Lock+F2 - Show commands for current item
Press Caps Lock twice in quick succession - Turn Caps Lock on or off
Caps Lock + Esc - Exit Narrator

Narrator touch Shortcut Keys
Tap once with two fingers - Stop Narrator from reading
Tap three times with four fingers - Show all Narrator commands (including the ones not in this list)
Double-tap - Activate primary action
Triple-tap - Activate secondary action
Touch or drag a single finger - Read what’s under your finger
Flick left/right with one finger - Move to next or previous item
Swipe left/right/up/down with two fingers - Scroll
Swipe down with three fingers - Start reading on explorable text

That's All!!!
Thank You..!!!
A page about Blogging Tricks and Computer, Android, Hacking, and Windows Tricks.

In the gaming world, everyone likes a showoff.

It's true. Whether you're demonstrating how to beat a particularly difficult boss in Grand Theft Auto or bragging about how you beat Bioshock using nothing but the wrench and your plasmids (true story), if you record it and post it to YouTube, you're bound to find an audience for it.

Any forum or message board will tell you that there is no one right way to share your gaming footage on YouTube. Your platform, equipment, budget and skill will determine the quality of the footage you end up with. There are, however, three tried-and-true methods that should work just fine for most users.

1. Use a Camcorder

If you have a camcorder that supports direct video input, you can easily record your console's output into your camcorder. This method is simple; just make sure you have an RCA or digital splitter cable from the console to both the TV and the camcorder, so you can play and record at the same time.

To record audio, you can either need to use the camcorder's mic or use a separate mic — just remember to turn the TV volume down.

When you're finished recording, simply upload the camera's footage through the USB cable or memory card onto your computer. You can then edit the file using your choice of video editing software, and you're ready for Youtube.
2. Use a Capture Card

Another option is to use a capture card, a small device that converts audio and video signals carried by RCA cables so that they're USB ready. If you're on a budget or just aren't comfortable installing the internal version on your computer or console, an external capture card is relatively inexpensive and can plug into your USB port.

However, external cards encode the video as they capture, meaning that there will be a significant video delay (about 2 seconds). Any gamer who has suffered lag can tell you that 2 seconds is a lifetime, so be sure only to use an external capture card for games that allow you to save instant replays. That way, you can play, save the replay and then record the replays on the external card later.

For better quality and no lag time, we recommend investing in an internal capture card

For better quality and no lag time, we recommend investing in an internal capture card that you can install into your PCI slot on your computer or console. This option is more expensive and requires basic knowledge of computer installation to set them up (you'll need to actually open up your computer and place the internal card on your motherboard), but it's worth it if you're serious about capturing your footage.

If you're using an external card, you're going to need that RCA splitter cable again so you can record the console's output on the capture card as you play on the TV. Internal cards don't require a splitter. Once you're finished, use the software that came with the capture card (the card's purchase should have included some) to convert the recorded footage into a video file.

Now you'll want to edit your video for YouTube. If you use a capture card, you'll want to record the audio commentary now and add it in using the video editing software, rather than record as you play.

If you're going the capture card route, Hauppauge is one of the most trusted brands. Check out their wide selection of both internal and external capture cards.
3. Capture Directly From Your Computer

For PC gamers, you'll have the best luck capturing your footage straight from your computer. All you need is software that will record your computer screen's video output, such as Fraps orGameCam for Windows, and Snapz Pro X for Mac (Mac Users: if you know of a cheaper, but still worthwhile, option, let us know in the comments).

We don't really recommend this option for console gamers, but if you really want to use this method, you will need to install an emulator for your specific console and download the ROM file for the particular video game so you can play via your PC. You'll also need a USB gaming controller (or a console controller with a USB adapter) to use with your computer.

Note: Check the legality of owning and distributing ROM files in your area, as it varies between jurisdictions. Generally, owning a ROM file of a game you already own is OK, as is owning a ROM file for gaming consoles that are no longer in production.

Open your video capture software, open your emulator and then load the ROM file. Then just record with your chosen software and play. When you're finished, save the file for editing.

Like we said above, these are by no means the only ways of recording your gaming software, but they are the most widely accepted and commonly used. If you know of any hacks and tricks to get better quality, or if you simply prefer a specific type of software, let us know in the comments below.
A page about Blogging Tricks and Computer, Android, Hacking, and Windows Tricks.
French hacker Fabrice Bellard has come up with a JavaScript pc Emulator that can run the 2.6.20 Linux kernel inside Mozilla’s Firefox 4 and Google chrome 11,these two provide significantly high JavaScript speeds as compared to others.He also adds that the emulator could also be used as a benchmark for Web Browsers.

Bellard is known for creating the FFmpeg open source multimedia project and the QEMU processor emulator – his JavaScript PC emulator is about two times slower on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine than on Firefox’s Jaeger Monkey engine, 32-bit version was tested on both browsers.

A page about Blogging Tricks and Computer, Android, Hacking, and Windows Tricks.

It was wondering that, it will be cool if you would be able to control the internet connection of your friend under the same Wi-Fi? So I came up with this article..

This article will be introducing you a tool called "NetCut" which is available at The direct download link is available below. 

Usually this tool is designed to test the Wi-Fi network or to control the network traffic or to filter the network, but Script kiddies use this tool to take a control over the network traffic. Using this tool you can get the complete list of the systems connected to the network and individually you can decide whether they are supposed to use the internet or not.

Suppose, it is your college Wi-Fi, therefore a number of students are expected to be using that network. In that case, the network speed would get slowdown because of huge bandwidth. Actually the network speed is equally divided between the users, that is, if your college Wi-Fi provides an internet connection of 1Mbps and 10 people are using the network then each one would nearly get a speed of 100Kbps. Therefore in this case if you use NetCut then that would help you disconnecting other people from using internet and this would speed up your connection!

Note: You must be connected to the Wi-Fi whose network traffic you want to manage.

This tool is very simple to use!

Here are the simple Steps:
  1. First download the latest version of this tool by clicking here.
  2. Install and open the file.
  3. Select the network adapter.
  4. You will see a list of computers under your wifi.
  5. Select the computer by clicking on the particular IP address. You can also select multiple systems by holding Ctrl key.
  6. Now cut the internet connection by clicking on Cut Off.
  7. That's it.......!!!! You're done..

You you must be wondering how to protect myself from this kind of stuff? The answer is very simple. On the same website ( you will find a tool named NetCut-Defender. Just download this tool and stay connected to your network!

Feel free to comment your views!

Have fun…!!!

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In this small tutorial i will show you a simple Computer trick. Basically you can not name folder with no name on windows. But this trick will allow you to make folders without any name. 

How To Make Nameless Folder

Before attempting this trick, try to make a folder with no name and you will fail to do so. This is what this trick will let you do. Below is screenshot of folder before and after doing this trick.


1. Make a New folder on desktop or where ever you want.

2. Right click on this newly created folder and select Rename. 

3. Erase the text showing "New Folder".

4. Now keep Pressing Alt (i.e alter key) and type 255. If you are on laptop then  you need to enable your Num Lock and type from the highlighted number keys not from those below function keys.

5. After that leave alt key and Press enter.

6. Done you just created nameless folder.

Read: Learn How to hide files behind images.

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There are some important files or document you want to hide from others on your computer. To do that you might be creating folder inside folder to hide such files but in todays tutorial i will change this by teaching you a interesting trick to hide files behind images.To hide a file behind a image means that if any one opens that image he will see the image, but to see the hidden file we need to open that image in a specific way. So lets get started.

How To Hide File Behind Image ?

In order to do this you should have basic understanding of command line.
1. Select an image to be used for hiding file behind the image.
2. Now select a file to hide behind the image and make it in .RAR format. With the help of the WinRAR.
3. And most important is that paste both the files on desktop. You may do this anywhere instead of desktop if you have some basic understanding of command line.
4. Now open cmd by going to Start > Accessories > Command Prompt and type following commands in it.
cd desktop
cd stands for change directory by typing above command you change your directory to desktop.

  After that type command given below.

Copy /b imagename.jpg + filename.rar  finalnameofimage.jpg


  • Replace imagename.jpg with the name of image you want your file to be hidden behind. Don't forget to add image format (Eg: .jpg,.png,.gif)
  • Replace finalnameofimage.jpg with whatever name you want your final image with hidden files should be. This is the name where you file will be hidden. 

5. Now when you will try to open this newly created image it will open as normal image, but to open you hidden file you need follow steps given below.

How To Access Hidden File ?

To access your hidden file you need to open the newly created image in winrar. Just follow simple steps given below to do that.

1. Open winrar
2. Now locate your image and open it or simply drag your image in winrar.
3. Extract the file and done.

Read this one also : 10 tips For securing your PC

Thank you!! :)
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1. Always Update your all required software time to time.

2. Check / adjust all the important settings within week to make sure they are safe.

3. Use firewall settings like Zone Alarm.

4. Use good passwords: at least 13 marks long, containing both letters and numbers. Remember to chance your password every few months at least.

5. Get good Anti-virus & Spyware software's and keep it always updated.

6. Don’t open or execute files that you are not 100% sure about its safety, no matter where or how you get them.

7. Wipe your history files (like cookies, internet history and temporary files, etc.) logs and personal files, with specific wiping program (like Eraser) instead of just deleting them.

8. Use encryption to enhance your privacy. Use encrypted email (like Hush mail or Zip lip) and encrypt sensitive files on your computer (PGP).

9. Don’t use public computers for anything you need to type in your login, they usually have Trojan that are not good for your password protection

10. Don’t assume anything. If you don’t know, ask someone who knows there is nothing more dangerous than doing something you don’t really know anything about. That’s the best way to protect your computer.
A page about Blogging Tricks and Computer, Android, Hacking, and Windows Tricks.
As Every computer user have some personal or private data which they want to hide or protect from others.

If  you want to Store Less amount data which you can easily  Store in Folder 

Here is the trick to Lock folder without using any Software. 

Many Time we face Problems to save any data from your personal or any office computer from your friends and colleagues. But the many problem we face is how to protect your data from others.If your are thinking to buy any software to protect your data like folder lock or disk locker.Then i suggest you to not buy any kind of these things.
After using this free folder locking trick. I am sure your think to waste your precious money to but any kinds to premium product to protect data.

Here are the steps to make free folder locking

  • Firstly Open your Notepad and Paste Below Code.
title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==Tipsn101Tricks goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

  • Now Save this by locker.bat  and  then double click on locker.bat
  • Your Folder Lock Password is  Tipsn101Tricks
  • If you want to change password then replace Tipsn101Tricks from above codes with your our Password. 
Important Tips:- 

First Time When you click on the file it will automatically create folder for you.

Then Paste Your content into the Folder Created by file.

Then Click again on the file to lock your Folder and Press Y to Lock your folder.

Now To open your locked folder, click every time on the file and enter your password.

I hope it will work for you. If face any problem must share your comments.

But If You want Hide large account of data or want to hide full drive from others. Then follow these steps carefully.

Steps to hide Drive:

  •  Go To Start >> Then Run >> Then Type Diskpart
  • New Window will open Then Type list volume press enter
  • Now your all drive will appear, now if you want to hide Drive D
  • Then Type select volume 2 and press enter.
  • Then Type remove letter D and press enter again.
  • Now Go to your my computer then you will find that your D drive is hidden.

Steps to unhide Drive:

  • Go To Start >> Then Run >> Then Type Diskpart
  • Then Type list volume press enter
  • Now your all drive will appear, now if you want to unhidden Drive D
  • Then Type select volume 2 and press enter.
  • Then Type assign letter D and press enter again.
  • Now Go to your my computer then you will find that your D drive is unhidden.

Then your Hidden drive will start appearing. Lets take one look on all steps in this figure.

disk hide Tipsn101tricks

 If  there any Problem or trouble with this tricks then leave your comment.

no image
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Do you like to download things from the Internet? Do you try out a lot of different programs? These days you can't be too careful about what you get from the Internet. Here is how to make those downloads safer.

One of the easiest ways to do a security check of what you are interested in is to use the free online service VirusTotal. This service will scan a submitted file with dozens of different anti-malware programs. Files can be uploaded from your PC to VirusTotal for checking but an even better procedure is to check a file before you download it. You can submit the download link to VirusTotal and get it scanned without the file ever being on your system.

The most convenient procedure is to use one of the add-ons that VirusTotal provides for the major Internet browsers. These add-ons place an entry in the browser right-click context menu that provides an online check of a selected URL. All you have to do is right-click a download link and quite quickly you will get a report of the results of scans from multiple anti-virus programs.

Here is how to get the VirusTotal add-on or extension for the three major Windows browsers. 

  • Google Chrome browser extension - VTchromizer
    VirusTotal documentation for the Chrome extension is found here. The extension can be installed from the Google Chrome store at this link. After installation, the browser right-click context menu for an URL will contain the entry “Check with VirusTotal”. 
  • Firefox browser extension - VTzilla
    VirusTotal documentation for the Firefox extension is found here. The extension can be installed at this Mozilla site. After installation, the browser right-click context menu for an URL will contain the entry “Scan with VirusTotal”. The Firefox extension also modifies the download dialog. 
  • Internet Explorer add-on - VTexplorer
    VirusTotal documentation and the installation link for the Internet Explorer add-on are here. After installation, the browser right-click context menu for an URL will contain the entry “Send URL to VirusTotal”.
Note that if you use script blockers like the Firefox extension NoScript, you will need to whitelist the VirusTotal website.
These are very useful browser add-ons but, of course, the scans before downloading are not a complete defense. Whatever resident security measures you normally use will still be called for.

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The Windows desktop is an amazing platform.
Speaking personally, I have a love-hate relationship with Windows, as I imagine many Windows users do. We’ve looked at the reasons for the hate, now let’s look at the reasons for the love.

Cheap Hardware

The Windows PC ecosystem is messy. While Apple’s Macbooks start at $999, you can get Windows laptops for under $300. You definitely don’t get the best hardware or support with these cheap devices. But it’s a fact that such cheap devices allow people to afford a computer who wouldn’t otherwise be able to.

Put positively: The Windows PC ecosystem has put devices into the hands of people who would never be able to afford Macs, not just in developed countries, but around the world in places where Macs and high-end Windows PCs would be prohibitively expensive.
Even the bloatware we geeks complain about has an upside. PC manufacturers are paid to include bloatware, so this helps bring down the cost of buying a new Windows PC.

Hardware Choice, Including High-End Hardware

Windows PCs aren’t just about the low-end. No, they’re about choice. Want to build your own Windows PC from components? You can do it, selecting every individual component and knowing for sure that they’ll work with Windows. Even if you’re not into building your own PC, you can get desktops and laptops with any mix of CPU, RAM, storage, graphics hardware, and anything else you choose. Apple offers a handful of options, but PC manufacturers can give you almost anything you can imagine — including hardware that’s much more powerful than anything you could get in a Mac.


Software Library

While more and more applications are coming out for mobile platforms instead, the Windows desktop is still the place to be for its huge library of desktop applications. There are over four million Windows desktop programs out there. Whatever kind of program you need, you’ll find it on Windows. This is particularly essential for productivity software that just isn’t as well-represented on mobile platforms.
Combined with a browser — and you have lots of browser choice on Windows — you can do almost anything on Windows, even experience competing ecosystems. Want to have a great Google experience? Google spends a lot of time on Chrome, Google Drive, and their other software for Windows. Want to use iTunes as a media store and interface with iCloud? Apple provides the full version of iTunes for Windows and offers both an iCloud Control Panel desktop application and web interface to iCloud. Want to watch Amazon Instant Video, read Kindle books, and use Amazon’s services? Of course you can do it on Windows. Practically everything is available for Windows.

Software Backwards Compatibility

Not only are there more than four million Windows desktop programs available, but Microsoft has done an excellent job of maintaining backwards compatibility with them. People complain about Windows being full of “cruft” that has built up over time, but the upside is that Windows offers the best compatibility with older applications. Want to use a line of business apps written fifteen years ago? You can probably still use it on Windows 8.1. Better yet, you can install that desktop application on a Windows 8.1 tablet and be more mobile with it than ever because of all the flexibility the Windows desktop offers.
Macs and Linux just aren’t as backwards compatible. Mac OS X no longer includes Rosetta for running PowerPC programs, while the Linux desktop has experienced so many changes that would break closed-source apps that rely on older APIs and libraries.

Multiple Programs at Once

Have you ever tried using an iPad or Android tablet as your main device? If you’re someone who cares about productivity, you probably haven’t. These devices are still so limited that they only allow you to view one application on screen at a time. Want to write something with a reference document open on the other half of your screen, or even just watch a video or chat while you browse the web? Nope, can’t do that on an iPad or Android device.
Although you can use keyboards with such mobile devices, you can’t use mice with iPads. Android does support mice, but just emulates touch events with left-click. Actions like hovering and right-clicking generally aren’t possible.

PC Gaming

Windows is still synonymous with PC gaming. If there’s a game that runs on PCs, it runs on the Windows desktop. PC gaming is thriving thanks to services like Valve’s Steam and, while Steam supports other platforms, Windows is still the place to be for gaming. Windows still supports a vast library of PC games going back more than fifteen years, while the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 can’t even run games designed for the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3.
PC gaming has tons of advantages: You can get the best graphics quality in a gaming experience, use a variety of different input types (keyboard and mouse or controller? you decide!), run games on either a typical laptop or a specialized gaming PC yourself, and take advantage of amazing sales and bundles to get games for practically nothing.

Open Platform

The desktop side of Windows is still an open platform. As a developer, you can develop for Windows and distribute your program without anyone’s permission. As a user, you can get your programs from anywhere and run them without worrying about app store approval processes and arbitrary rules that create categories of banned apps.
Want to install a server, or some sort of system administration tool that requires complete access to your Windows system? Yup, you can do that without jailbreaking or rooting your Windows PC. You’re in control.

Hardware Compatibility

The Windows desktop is the standard for PCs, so you know that any piece of hardware you pick up will be supported on Windows. Unlike with desktop Linux, you don’t have to research to make sure your hardware is completely supported by the community. Unlike with a Mac, you don’t have to check that the manufacturer bothered to create drivers for the Mac.
Just pick up a piece of hardware and go — you know it will work. (One exception is older hardware that manufacturers haven’t created updated drivers for.)

On a personal note, I’ve been accused of being very negative about the Windows desktop. I definitely have a love-hate relationship with it, but I can say that I use the Windows desktop most of the time. There’s nothing quite like Windows Live Writer for putting together blog posts quickly and efficiently — a great example of a specialized application that doesn’t have directly competitive alternatives on other platforms. I also play various PC games and wouldn’t dream of switching to Mac or Linux full-time and giving up easy compatibility with all these programs. And, of course, tablet operating systems like iOS and Android just aren’t as powerful for doing actual work with multiple applications at once. They can’t even do basic leisure things like chatting or watching a video and browsing the web at the same time.
The Windows desktop is nowhere near perfect, but it’s amazing. It’s a double-edged sword — for each of its problems, there’s a corresponding benefit.

Image creadit-Google ;)
A page about Blogging Tricks and Computer, Android, Hacking, and Windows Tricks.
Tired of being forced to click through Windows 8's lock screen before you get to Start Screen? Here's is how to bypass it.

Boot your PC or wake it from sleep, and you go straight to Window 8's lock screen, which looks more like the screen you'd expect to see on your smartphone than on a PC. It tells you the time and date, and a variety of timely information-meetings taken from calender, updates from social networking sites, Email notification and other similar information.

That's all very nice but if you're on a PC, you probably want to get straight to work, And that means getting to Start Screen faster. If you like, you can bypass the lock screen. 

For tablet users, you may find the lock screen more useful, since you may want to glance at your calender or social networking sites while you're on the go.

To do it, you have to use the Local Policy Editor. 
1. Launch Local Policy Editor by pressing Windows key+R to open Run bar, type gpedit.msc, and press Enter or click OK. The local Policy Editor launches.  

2. Go to Computer Configuration >> Administratives Templates.

3. Click on Control Panel >> Personalization. Double click on "Do not display the lock screen" entry. Select Enabled, then press Enter or click OK.
Exit the Local Policy Editor.

 4. Exit the policy Editor, then reboot.

The new setting should take effect immediately. The next turn you reboot or wake your PC, you wont see the Lock Screen. Instead, you'll go straight into logging into Windows 8.

The Local Policy Editor comes only with Windows 8 Pro and Windows 8 Enterprise. But you can still turn off the Lock screen in any version of Windows 8 by using a Registry hack. 
Which  We'll see in my next blog. 

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